Thursday, 30 June 2016

Mullah Nazruddin Stories – Mullah Gets a Cow


One day, Mullah’s wife told him, “Let’s buy a cow so that we can have milk every day.”

Mullah replied, “ We don’t have enough space in our yard for my donkey and a new cow”.

But despite Mullah’s objection, his wife persisted until he finally gave in.

So he bought the cow – and just as he predicted, it crowded his beloved donkey in the barn. 
This prompted Mullah to start praying one night, saying, “Dear God, please kill the cow, so my wife can’t bother me about it anymore and so my donkey can live in peace.”

The next day, Mullah went into the barn and was dismayed to discover that his donkey was dead. He looked up and said, “God, I don’t mean to offend you or anything, but let me ask you this -  after all these years, do you mean to tell me that you still can’t tell the difference between a cow and a donkey.

The End.

Mullah Nazruddin Stories - Son Searching For a Wife

                                             image courtesy : Google

Mullah, knowing his son was looking for a wife, asked him what type of wife he wanted.
“one who is intelligent and expressive” the latter replied.

“OK”, replied Mullah. “I’ll help you find such a woman”.

So as part of his plan, Mullah led his son to the town square. He then slapped his son in front of all the people and exclaimed. “This is what you get for doing exactly what I told you to do!”

One young lady saw this and remarked, “Stop hitting him. How can you punish him for obeying what you said?”

When the son heard this, he turned to his father and said, “She seems like the right woman for me -  don’t you think so?”

“well,” replied Mullah, “She is certainly expressive and intelligent, but perhaps there are woman out there who is even better fit for you.”

So Mullah led his son to the neighbouring area’s town square and repeated the same scene. This time, a young lady saw this and said, “Go ahead and hit him. Only a fool would follow orders so blindly.”

When Mullah heard this, he said to his son, “The first woman was intelligent and expressive – but this woman is on an entirely higher level altogether. I think we have found your future wife.

The End.